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Can family members be paid for acting as a caregiver for a senior person?

Can family members be paid for acting as a caregiver for a senior person?

Yes, family members can be paid for acting as caregivers for a senior person. There are several programs and options available, depending on the state and specific circumstances.

Michigan allows family members to be paid as caregivers for a senior person through several programs.

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Follow the links below to learn more about some of the programs:

These programs can provide financial support to family caregivers, helping to ease the burden of caregiving. If you’re interested in any of these programs, it’s a good idea to contact Michigan’s Medicaid office or a local Area Agency on Aging for more detailed information and eligibility requirements.

  1. Home Help Program: Administered by Medicaid, this program allows family members (excluding spouses and parents of minor children) to be compensated for providing care. The care recipient must qualify for Medicaid and require in-home care.
  2. MI Choice Waiver Program: This Medicaid waiver helps older or disabled individuals remain at home or in a community setting. Family members, except for spouses and legal guardians, can be paid as personal care providers.
  3. Veteran-Directed Care: For veterans, this program allows them to hire family members as caregivers and pay them using their benefits.
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