Acute Care

Internal Medicine & Chronic Disease Management located in Three Rivers, MI

Acute Care

About Acute Care

When you are sick and not feeling well, urgency matters. Do not wait too long. Seek timely medical attention for symptoms and acute issues..

Acute Care Q&A

Lowered immunity, anemia, hepatitis C and other conditions can make you sicker than you realize, to tragic consequences.

The Three Rivers AMA providers offer acute care treatments for chronic conditions like asthma, which causes shortness of breath, or allergies that cause respiratory issues that require urgent medical attention.

What is acute care?

Acute care also involves medical services to diagnose and treat acute illnesses like colds and flu and minor injuries. These conditions typically require only short-term care to help you achieve a full recovery.

Dr. Patel and Three Rivers Area Medical Associates provide comprehensive acute care services for adults. The Three Rivers AMA providers offer a variety of onsite testing services, including lab blood draws, to confirm your diagnosis. They customize a care plan to help you feel better and prevent the condition from worsening.

Acute care visits are available in the office and the providers can also evaluate your symptoms through an online telehealth platform if you’re unable to travel to the office.

When are other times I should schedule an acute care visit?

Schedule an acute care visit with Dr. Patel and Three Rivers AMA if you’re not feeling well because of:

  • Burns
  • High fever
  • Colds or flu
  • Ear pain
  • Joint pain
  • Sore throat
  • Persistent cough
  • Cuts and abrasions
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Muscle sprains or ligament strains